The Gift of the Present Moment: To Move Beyond Duality

Althea Grace, Soul Whisperer
5 min readOct 13, 2023


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― Buckminster Fuller

Here’s the thing about living on earth — the experience of duality can be so taxing. Depending on the current narrative, there will always be one side against another. But rather than focus on all the tension that such moments bring, we can learn to be in place within ourselves without taking the bait of the experience. What can be gained in such moments? We can learn to find the joy within the sorrow, the peace within the chaos, the love within the antipathy. For this is the test we are meant to pass. Whatever the presentation on the world stage, we are given to discover who we are and what we are made of and offer our gifts of love, peace, and mercy to it, rather than be absorbed by that which is only meant to be a mise-en-scène to the revelations our true selves.

In these days of prevailing narratives and their concomitant accusations against those who differ, is the opportunity to learn that all these things, appearances not withstanding, are irrelevant. Maya. Illusion. That’s not to say that something is not happening as we witness with our senses, but that we have made it too important in the scheme of things. They are not meant to commandeer our lives and become the very raison d’être of our time here, but rather, serve as a stage backdrop designed to help us remember the call to action of our own inner Divine, our God consciousness. It is the chance to rise above actions against narratives, ideas, and people. There is the ultimate opportunity to use the presented problems, issues, or crises as stepping stones to a wider frame of reference, a higher level of understanding, an ability to see beyond the immediate scene playing out in front of us from the highest avenues possible for us that can help show us our true selves.

“Every act has both good and evil results. Every act in life yields pairs of opposites in its results. The best we can do is lean toward the light, toward the harmonious relationships that come from compassion with suffering, from understanding the other person.”
Joseph Campbell

In this Matterium in which we live, there will always be some emergency or crisis that will require us to position ourselves within the framework of that crisis. At any moment during one of these experiences, there will always be a right side and a wrong side from which we are expected to position ourselves. Ostensibly, this is how society is supposed to function. Everyone must play nice, go along to get along whether that takes you away from your conscience and higher consciousness, or not.

However, what is right or wrong for and within each of us at the deepest layers of our being, to the highest levels of our consciousness is truly what matters. For it is from there where unity is remembered and accessed. We can charm, hypnotize, brainwash, influence others to a way of seeing but only they will consider what is right for them based on so many factors and itinerary of their own life missions.

“Life is all about realizing God in your true self with higher consciousness.”
― Shiva Negi

In the end, we are left with our choices. There is only a discovery of the meaning of those individual choices in any moment, and what they mean ultimately to and for each of us. For what do we gain by aligning with a position, no matter how seemingly righteous, except for our own real edification, wisdom and growth through the experience? We inevitably discover that we can do all the right things in this world, and yet, the final meaning is gleaned from reconciling the decisions we made, the actions we chose, the compassion we gave, and the wisdom we garnered and acted upon.

“Be where you are not where you were.
Ground yourself in the knowledge that your soul is wise and will lead you toward your greatest light. This will help you love where you are so you can be where you are. It’s where your power resides.”
― Jodi Livon

At a certain age, we need recognize the futility of doing ‘the right thing’ in order to be right in the eyes of others. Are we truly alright with ourselves? We are not watching for how any other responds, but rather, learning to be vigilant to our own cues. We can learn to be better at discerning truth and necessity. We can recognize the rallies and cries against the very structure which maintains things as they have seemingly always been, and awaken to a new world unfolding. From the ashes of the old one, we will meet the opportunity to create anew.

For when we can transcend the traditions, interpretations and conclusions of the old ways, when we have risen above the polarization of sides, we will be able to apply and use the unity in a sea of diversity. It won’t be because we took the ‘politically correct’ side, or wanted to condemn those who did not see through our eyes, but because we will have risen or ascended to a higher consciousness of awareness for which the old has passed away.

“All your life you have been waiting… And now the time is here.
We are all being called upon to shine our brightest light. Where there is confusion know there are answers. Where there is pain show compassion. Where there is darkness beam your light. We are all related one to the other. Open your heart and feel the connection. Shine your light and heal the world.”
Jodi Livon

Will we each become reconciled as part of the whole in a way that engenders the wisdom within us and naturally excludes the need for such old world antics?

As we traverse this most interesting time of universal change, at the door of the Aquarian Age, we are being offered the opportunity to move beyond the usual ways of responding to what is happening in front of our eyes. We can decide to rise above the noise of the moment, to unite within ourselves and heal the dissonant impulses to the world’s dual mechanics. Rather than automatic responses, we can balance ourselves, and heal the inharmonious places within ourselves. We can determine to radiate higher consciousness, walk in it, speak it, live it.

This is a gift of this cosmic moment of change.

© 2023. Egyirba M. High. [Althea Grace]. All Rights Reserved.

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Originally published at on October 13, 2023.



Althea Grace, Soul Whisperer

shaman practitioner, teacher, writer, minister, soul mentor, intelligent goddess, and all-around happy, compassionate being